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Overcome Perfectionism
What are amiss with trying to better yourself? We all prefer to be better than we are. America is the Self-Improvement Capital of the Galaxy! We prefer to be smarter, happier, thinner, richer, wittier, more democratic, more lovable, and more successful than we are right now. We can't see why we should settle for being to a lesser degree all we can be. We want to fulfill ourselves, live up to our high potential, win the Gold. We get no points in our own eyes for coming second. An Olympian who wins a silver might have it bronzed. It's absurd, but we cannot see the absurdity of this endless striving for the Holy Grail of Betterness.
Here's what's wrong cutting-edge: we're not operating out of mature, adult judgment as to the most appropriate course of action to take. We are not making intelligent, considered choices in our own best interest. We are operating out of attitudes that we acquired during the formative stages of our personhood. We have never questioned the validity of these immature attitudes; we didn't even know they were down there below the level of conscious awareness. These attitudes predispose us to behave in certain ways. We are not in control of these predispositions, they control us. They override our adult judgment and set us up to buy exercise equipment that we'll never use and shouldn't have ordered. These attitudes are not rational or reasonable. They are not usually accessible to our conscious minds. They are down there in our psyche waiting for an occasion, an opportunity. When the time is right, they just kick in and drag us along with them. We are out of control. Our attitudes are in the saddle.
Our attitudes are formed out of the experiences of our childhood. They are incorporated into our budding personality. Our adult persona turns out to denigrate more than a constellation of immature attitudes from ages three, four, five and six. There are even constellations of constellations that predispose us to play different roles with different folks. We are not the same character with the Bishop that we are with our bowling buddies.
The requirement that we strive for perfection is not a conscious, well thought out idea. It is neither smart nor stupid. It is an attitude that one acquires early in childhood and carries into adulthood. One of these carryover beliefs is that, "I must be better than I am." Unfortunately, since this belief has no brains, it cannot tell us when to stop bettering ourselves. It cannot tell us how much betterment is enough. In the absence of such input, we find ourselves chasing our tails, pushing limits and screwing ourselves into the ceiling. We are the prisoners of our silent constellations.
People who strive for perfection wind up feeling inferior, inadequate, worthless and guilty. To relieve these painful feelings, they resolve to do better next time, still not knowing how good is good enough. Below are some of the struggles of a perfectionist:
Living With A Narcissistic Lawyer
Although it sounds like a bad lawyer joke, believe me it is no picnic living with a narcissistic attorney, especially if he is a litigator. Some of the qualities of an aggressive litigator are indicative of narcissism: arrogance, aggressiveness, self-entitlement, and grandiosity, just to name a few.
Let's be clear: having a big ego is not bad per se and in fact is essential for success in the court room. It is when one crosses over the line from healthy self esteem and confidence to high level toxic narcissism that anyone living with such a person suffers greatly. The biggest single difference that distinguishes the high-level narcissist is his total inability to empathize, which results in cruel behavior. Such behavior is ironically more common in the home than in the work place, in this instance, the court room, because the narcissist must put on an act in court, feigning great compassion.
To add together abuse to injury, a person who is both a high-level narcissist and a lawyer brings his litigation skills into the home in the form of "cross examination" and argumentative techniques even when he has dead wrong on the merits.
A major characteristic of a narcissistic attorney (and any narcissist for that matter) is the need to project an image of perfection. The more public the forum (such as the court room) the more the narcissist hides behind his mask of perfection. As the venue becomes smaller, the mask isn't really dropped---after all they are in fact "perfect" in their minds. However, because of their position of power in smaller groups, their need to be on their "best behavior" diminishes. This can be seen, for instance, in situations such as the humiliation of an employee in front of others at office meetings. The home is the most individual of all venues and thus, a spouse or other person living with a narcissist bears the greatest brunt of all. Often the victim will say to a psychotherapist or other confidante, words to this effect: "Everyone thinks this guy is so wonderful but they should try accepting this narcissistic jerk."
Capsiplex Appetite Suppressor - Benefits of Capsiplex Appetite Suppressor
Everybody online is buzzing about the new fantastic Capsiplex appetite suppressor. Originally, it was produced only in the UK and later it's taken towards the USA, by storm made through the Hollywood celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez and Brad Pitt, as they present numerous good feedbacks, about this supplement. Certainly, this spicy substance back-number utilized for a number of generations in foods preparation as well as in a lot alternative medicines, for its medicinal values.
Capsiplex appetite suppressor isn't a wholesome capsicum product instead it belongs of niacin and caffeine in it. Really, niacin and caffeine are embedded to arrive a much brawnier natural product. When the amount of capsicum present in capsiplex is consumed, in regular way of eating, even earlier than you reducing weight, you've to undergo the fallouts and heat it generates, whenever you consume it for a lengthy period. But capsiplex all reduce the need for individuals extra snacks also as melt the flab. Generally, should you choose other fat reduction tools accessible within the marketplace, you've to abandon your favorite foods, which induce much more craving for foods and snacks. The whole distribution is accomplished alone through the official website of this item.
Although capsicum is really a proven center for weight reduction, you cannot eat it unprocessed. This procedure will eventually result in reduction of surplus flab in your body. The health care professionals accept it as a constituent way of losing fat, since the item doesn't embed any artificial components.
Endorsement by celebrities and numerous gimmicks aside, Capsiplex appetite suppressor is really a genuine and promising supplement within the weight reduction industry.
Perfectionism Feeds Food Addiction
As a lot a long time I accepted the monster of perfectionism. I had no idea that this thing was not a part of my personality, but rather a dangerous way of living that could destroy my life. I never suspected that perfectionism was one of the key reasons that I coulded my eating disorder.
In the world of a perfectionist "good enough" doesn't exist. For a perfectionist there has simply no such thing as a good enough relationship, a good enough house, a good enough weight, a good enough grade, a good enough dinner or a good enough performance. Everything has to be perfect or a perfectionist will have none of it.
This is a very dangerous way of living:
First "perfection" doesn't exist. Everybody has another "perfect" and what is perfect for me might not be perfect for you at all. Secondly, chasing perfection can rob you of peace, relationships and so many wonderful things and experiences that doesn't fit into your "perfect" box.
So if you are reaching for a perfect diet, you will never be satisfied with anything short of starvation. If you are only satisfied with the perfect exercise, you'll rather do nothing. If you can not fit into your number 2 jeans, you will rather stay home, watch TV, eat and feel miserable.
Believe me, I've been there, and it's no way to live. I found out along the way, after struggling with eating disorder and food addiction for many years, that CONSISTENCY is crucial in breaking free from a food struggle. It wasn't so important how I did some things, but rather that I got it done and I kept at it that broke the back of eating disorders.
How You Can Turn Your Working Place Into a Workout Place
I canful all the same remember when I'm about to start my first day at the office, among my major concern was gaining extra weight around my waist because of the undisputed 8 hours of moving nothing beside my fingers rather job.
But today, we'll bust out those old worries and learn how we can turn our typical office job into 8 hours of calorie burning routine.
In a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic under the supervision of Dr. James Levine, 18 Minneapolis office workers lose a total of 156 pounds in a program they called as NEAT in 2007.
NEAT or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis occur naturally, according to Levine. Some of the activities that are under this NEAT program are walking, bending, stretching, bristling and fidgeting during resting metabolism. Also what he propose, a trifle bit of creativity in the work, knowledge about food and by infusing small but often movement in workplace will simply start melting the weights off.
In 2007, Levine's team of experts launched a six-month experiment with 18 office employees of small financing business in Minneapolis. They first, renovated and redecorated the office. The typical table and chairs were replaced curiously enough by desks that came pre-attached to treadmills.
Negative Side Effects of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet
Agreeing to the Archives of general medicine, research found that participants who practice low-carbohydrate diet lower their blood pressures versus those who practice low-fat diet. In the study they conducted, 20 grams of carbohydrates or equivalent to an apple and a slice of regular bread inclined to low-carbohydrates dieters. They ascertained that the body have problem finding enough carbohydrate to produce significant amount of glucose, needed to keep the brain on its optimum performance.
Because the body lacks the ability to use enough amounts of carbohydrates, it will resort to analyzing its own fat storage. Initially, it will lead to weight loss, but a bit much blazing up of fat storage can cause some serious damage to the body. Some of the fallouts of this fat metabolism are lack of focus, irritation, tiredness and possible renal failure*.
This new study might lead to confusion among health buffs always in search of the latest health trends and knowledge, me myself, isn't a huge fan of carbohydrates but I certainly consume reasonable amount of healthy carbs such as whole grains, brown rice and other sources of complex carbohydrates.
Make a point that you talk to your dietitian about your plan of going low-carb. Statistically, most doctors recommend 130 grams of healthy carbs per day, but if you're planning to downgrade the amount, make certain that it won't be lower than 70 grams.
Modify Your Bad Eating Habits
Hither are my tips on how you are able to Modify Bad eating habits:
• Don't starve yourself. The healthiest way to keep you satiated with less calorie consumption is to eat five to six small meals a day. This way, your metabolism will be up and burning. Try to follow my meal schedule:
o 7: 00 am- breakfast
o 10:00 am- light snack
o 12:00 am- eat your lunch
o 4:00 pm- eat light snack
o 7:00 pm- small dinner
• The truth about eating five to six small meals a day is because the actual analysing of food burn calories. If you eat your breakfast at 7:00 am or at any rate an hour after arousing can actually help your sleeping metabolism to jumpstart its engine.
• Don't eat before bedtime. The reason why you would not prefer to eat food before bedtime is that it may not be digested properly. This can make you feel and look heavier the following day because all the undigested food will be stored in your adipose cell*, adding weight on your body.
• Avoid Emotional Eating. When you turn to food for comfort, it is considered emotional eating. A person who eats when it is stress, irritated or excited tends to eat to ease those emotions. What you can do is to engage into different activities when dealing with those emotions, perhaps you are able to take a walk, hit the gym or simply drink a lot of water.
• Limit you Sodium. Some people who try to go on a diet only thinks that sugary food and fatty food should be avoided, however, food that are rich in sodium must also be asked out from the list. Sodium causes bloating and can pose some serious disease like hypertension and renal failure*.
Perfectionism - Is Is Necessary For Success?
Are you a Perfectionist?
Have you noticed that you:
# Place excessive demands on yourself by setting too high standards?
# Expect too much from yourself and your family?
# Get angry when you make a mistake?
# Feel that whatever you achieve, it's never good enough?
# Feel terrified of being average or mediocre?
# Find that it takes a long time to complete something because you have to get it done just right?
If you have answered to one or more of the above you may be just be a perfectionist. Does that seem to alarm you? Or maybe you have already been told this by coworkers, friends, or family members?
Striving to be the "best that you can be" is a commendable quality. For someone who is an athlete it is important to perfect their skill and perform at the highest level. In the competitive world in which we live, it's important to aim high, to strive for greatness.. People who set high standards are typically high achievers and this requires a healthy sense of perfectionism.
However, when one's level of expectations becomes obsessive, their behavior can become irrational, and self-defeating. This level of perfection can be counterproductive while creating unpleasantness and stress. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between unhealthy perfectionism and depression, anxiety, eating disorders and other mental health problems.
Individuals who show signs of unhealthy perfectionistic tendencies cannot live in the moment. Their insecurities drive them to put unreasonable, self-imposed demands that only allow them to focus on the past and their weakness and not on their strengths. There is a constant sense of urgency to protect the future. This can backfire, creating the reverse effect of procrastination and unproductiveness.
Perfectionism - Should We Strive For Perfection, Or Just Be Happy With What We've Got?
We accept all heard the adage before, "Practice Makes Perfect." Imagine, practicing something until you are actually perfect...without flaw in every way...supreme...is this possible? In a word, no. This ideology, if attended to, can lead one to a life of constant stress and undue worry and a complete and total lack of complacence. You see, perfection is a concept that is nearly if not completely unattainable. Man, by nature, is not perfect. Add to that the fact that doing something "perfectly" certainly contains an air of subjectivity and you will quickly realize why trying to attain the status of being PERFECT is a true lesson in futility.
Let's take, because instance, the state of your body you bet it looks. Imagine that you are in fantastic shape (ok, I am sure you are, but pretend someone who is reading this isn't...) You have about 8% body fat and your tummy is ripped. Your shoulders are rounded and chiseled and every line in your biceps and triceps is defined and your legs look like they belong on a statue. You have worked hard for this body and it is perfect...ALMOST. Most people that get their body to this level are never fully happy. They can always lose a bit more body fat, or get their arms just a bit bigger. The goal of becoming PERFECT is never ending and thus leads to a constant state of being "not quite there." The closer you get to perfection, for some, the further you are. Now, most of us would LOVE to be in this situation. We would LOVE to have a ripped and skinny body and we would be happy with our bodies should we attain this high level of fitness. For those that are stuck in the state of needing to be perfect, however, this can lead to an unhealthy obsession. These individuals will go to incredible lengths to reach their goal. The trouble is, their goal, being PERFECT, may never be reached...at any rate in their minds. They may take steroids, diet pills, quit eating altogether, or any number of other unhealthy measures.
It seems odd to say that most of us don't often get to taste an ice wine. Why on earth don't we? Well, they are out there, and any worthwhile wine store will stock at least a couple of them. Although very expensive, a good ice wine is pure natural perfection - and worth every bit of the cost.
Should you ever be unable to find a gift for a friend, think about getting a bottle of this delightful liquid. Once you've tasted it - especially with something like a rich chocolate dessert - you will see what you have been missing out on. Yes, and by the way, chocolate does go with wine, but the wine has to be a rich 'sticky' one with buckets of sweetness.
What is ice wine, icewine or eiswein?
It is a type of sweet or dessert wine that has been made from grapes that were allowed to freeze while still on the vine. One major difference between an ice wine and say a Sauternes or Tokaji, is that the grapes shouldn't have been infected by the Botrytis cinera fungus or noble rot to any great degree.
As harvest for ice wine is considerably later than that for a normal wine, it is vital that the grapes remain in a healthy state. Should any form of disease or mycosis catch on them, they'll deteriorate long before the gleaning period. This can be as late as January in the northern hemisphere.
Harvest chalk vino
The grapes, having been left on the vine, continue to gain natural sugars. As the autumnal weather arrives, the temperature slowly falls, but the acidity level remains fairly high which is important. If the acids dropped too quickly as the sugars rose, the resultant wine would have no character in the least. The mark of an ice wine is that its high sweetness will be nicely balanced by a refreshing high acidity.
Harvest will take place when the grapes are actually frozen on the vine. They're a very time consuming process as picking has to be handled hand to enable exact bunch selection. Pickers must often work unsociable hours to ensure that the grapes are celebrated to thaw out before pressing. Even the cellar staff will work in very cold temperatures.